November 30, 2007

How many things?

First, thanks for the NaBloPoMo Survivor's Badge goes to Mrs. Fussypants.

Monkey in a Suit has tagged me for an 8 Things Post and I just cannot resist that crazy bitch. The meme, not Monkey, of course.

8 passions in my life:
X and my kids (the Core of my pathetic existence)
Reading books, magazines, cereal boxes, graffiti, blogs, the written word (wherever it may exist)
Collecting books
Antiques/Old Things of Interest (e.g. does need to have monetary value)
Traveling/Road Trips (Dude - driving to Wichita is exciting to me. The Flint Hills are absolutely stunning.)
Being Outside (seriously. Just sitting in my front yard is good enough.)

8 things to do before I die:
Go to India. Specifically to Kottyam, Kerala where X was born.
Read everything Jane Austen has ever written.
See Mount Everest (NOT climb it - just see it. I am utterly fascinated with the folks in Kathmandu who live in its "shadow")
Learn a 2nd language FLUENTLY
Learn how to play Chopin's Funeral Marche in full.
Read all the Harry Potter books with my children.
Go on a proper African safari. No touristy shit.

8 things I often say:

Um, yeah.
Oh shit.
Do you want to watch Diego?
Get out of her face. NOW.
One more time and you are in time-out.
What the fuck?
You sexy thang. (Note: poor X. Feel pity for him. I know not what overcomes me.)

8 books I read recently
The Tipping Point by Malcolm Gladwell
Blink by Malcolm Gladwell
Water for Elephants by Sara Gruen
Cane River by Lalita Tademy
Nurture the Nature: Understanding Your Child's Core Personality by Michael Gurian
Bookends by Jane Green
A Thousand Splendid Suns by Khaled Hosseini
The Road by Cormac McCarthy

8 songs that mean something to me:
I Deserve It by Madonna
Hips Don't Lie by Shakira
Nothing Fails by Madonna
In Your Eyes by Peter Gabriel
The Captain by Kasey Chambers
Bike by Pink Floyd
You by Bonnie Raitt
Comfortably Numb by Pink Floyd

I tag Mojavi, Mamma Sarah, Brit, Marilyn, Rita, Stephanie, Goofy Girl, and finally.......Chocolate Covered Susan.

And yes, there is not a link for Miss Susan of the Chocolate Covered Pistachios fame. You see, Miss Susan has been all High n' Mighty about this here thing we call the Blogosphere. This is my attempt to call her shit out.

I suspect that Mojavi will support me in this.


Anonymous said...

Love the badge and the booklist! I'm going to have to check some of those out.

caro said...

The main shadow in Kathmandu is cast by a cloud of pollution, sadly. Everest is more of a far-off apparition. A lovely goal, still!

Chocolate Covered Susan said...

Sheeesh! The peer pressure! To be quite honest, it's not so much a lack of time that's keeping me from starting a blog. It's the fear that I'm just too boring!!

Mamma Sarah said...

Great badge!

I'll complete this task sometime this weekend... :-)

Anonymous said...


Rozanne said...

Congrats on finishing NaBlo! You are a better woman than me!