November 9, 2007

You are kidding me, right?

Back in November of 2004, if someone had told me in that in 2007 I would be the mother to a 2 year old and 4 month old, I would have asked for a hit of whatever it was that they were smoking. DUDE.

Anjali is 4 months old today. When did that happen? Where was I? I hope I did not forget to feed her, at least. I guess all 15 lbs, 9 oz of her is proof that I remembered at least a few times.

She is such a joy. So easy. So giggly. So snuggly. So vocal. And apparently, she has forgiven Arun for all the head butts, eye pokings and ear proddings these past months. Because he is the cat's meow these days - he gets in her face and she just smiles in amazement.

My sister said once that it does not matter if it is your first or your third child, you still enjoy all of their little accomplishments. And it is true - we take such delight in Anju as she is growing and doing such momentous things as rolling over, lifting her head, sitting upright in our laps and discovering that she has hands - which totally rocked her world, let me tell you (Whoa. Hands? Hands!) With Arun, these moments were special because there was a sparkly, shiny newness to everything he did. This time around, it is simply sweet because we know it is our last time to experience it since she is our final baby. We cherish it for what it is - simply a baby growing and discovering this big, beautiful world.

There is something to be said for that and I suspect we could all take a page from Anjali's book.

Thank you for indulging me as a I gush once again about my kids.

Pink Teddy



4 Months


Anonymous said...

OMG the yellow outfit in the last pic just made me go SQUEE! They are so beautiful - both of them. I know what you mean -- they grow so fast. My two are 13 and almost 16.

I'm going to throw up now.

Anonymous said...

I love that her yellow blankie has sheep on it, just like your blog!

Christy said...

Your babies are precious. Are you sure about the no more kids thing? When Porgie was a newborn, I told everyone that she would be an only child. And next month, I am sure I'll be proclaiming that Izzy is our final baby. But who knows what I'll want in a few more years.

M&Co. said...

Oh your children are adorable! And your daughter's hair. I just want to touch it.

Mamma Sarah said...

4 m already? Is that possible... wow! She sure is a cutie and totally precious. Arun and those eyes... oh there I go saying what everyone says about Alex. haha...

Mamma Sarah said...

Oh, you're tagged. See my blog for details.

Jenny said...

LOL HAHHHHHHH! Arun Macaroon and Peanut Butter Anjali! You freaking crack me up. And I really needed that today, thanks. :)

Diana said...

They are absolutely delish! It just gets better and better, doesn't it?

Leo said...

cagey- your kids are so lovely.