November 26, 2007

Where am I?

....immersed in a black, black vortex known as "Food Sites and Blogs". Today is a bit out of control so I am going to throw out some snaps of the kids and call it a NaBloPoMo Day. A cheater post to be sure, but still not so terrible in the way of content.

Although, I suppose it could be perceived that I am prejudiced in favor of the subject matter. Whatever.

Simian Snaps

Co-sleeping co-conspirators


Monkey See, Monkey Do


Monkey McWearingChaps said...

I think I just exploded from baby glee. Please stop producing delightful children that make my bio clock scream in agony.

stephanie said...

Wow, they look quite alike in that photo where they are both sleeping.

meno said...

Two sleeping babies? I am surprised that you wasted any time taking pictures of them before you joined them.

Moderndayhermit said...

Great pics, hey are just too much for my poor reproductive system!

Photobug said...

Hey Cagey. Late gratz on the new little one.

Oh and...go mizzou :P

Rozanne said...

Looks like Anjali's just had a triple mocha cap with an extra shot!!!!

Wowee Zowee!

-qir said...

Man, I am continuously astounded at how pretty your girl is. Really, midgets aren't supposed to be that photogenic, are they???? She's cuter than my nephew and I'm supposed to think he's cute.

Mamma Sarah said...

OMG the sleeping pic is a shocker with how much they look alike. Almost scary. Great shots!!!

Everyone is entitled to a cheater post every now and again!

Jen said...

Oh my gosh! I eyes!! Too much cuteness for one to observe at one time! What are you trying to do to us?

Anonymous said...

Too cute indeed. Also, I think I'm going to call myself Peanut Butter Anjali as well. It has a nice ring to it.

Anonymous said...

God they are adorable!!!

Heza Hekele said...

Are those blue peepers on wee Anjali? How'd she pull that one off?! Blue eyed, curly haired Indian Baby! The cuteness is just too much to bear...

And I agree, I don't understand what all the fuss is about...Blogger is pretty stellar, being as it is FREE...good grief!