August 2, 2006

Why don't baby clothes come in black?

I still can’t stop thinking about how awesome BlogHer was this year. Perhaps it's because this year, I had ankles and could Partake in the Free Drink. Still, I think it was more than that - definitely the Sisterhood. Swag didn't hurt, either. Someone asked about all the swag we received and here are just a few things: coolest tote bag I've ever received at a conference, a Bon Jovi CD, a free downloadable Yahoo! music thingie for 30 days, a Free Weight Watcher’s Online thingie for 3 months, a Crabtree/Evelyn set (that is SO good I will probably BUY another set when finished), a cool Yahoo! pad/pen set, a 64MB USB jump drive, a travel wine corkscrew, various t-shirts, and condoms. Yep, CONDOMS. For all the Mommy Bloggers, I guess.

So, we’re off to Boston today to visit our friends S and A. This will be Trip #6 with the Overlord and All The Necessary Accoutrements That His Majesty Might Require. Folks, we’re Going for the Gold on this one. You see, the past five trips have gone so amazingly well - he hasn't Freaked Out yet and he usually sleeps the entire flight while I plow through ragazines. But this trip? Includes a LAYOVER which means it will take forever to get there. And these days, my baby does Big Boy Poops with complementary Big Boy Facial Expressions. Do I dare mention that we had hummus, chicken shwarmah and lentils last night for dinner? Not my best Mothering Decision, perhaps. Also, we will be gone for 5 nights as opposed to the usual 2-3 night variety. Gulp. Fortunately, S and A are close friends AND they are Indian because frankly? The Indian community is SO much more Family Friendly than the American community. S even called last night to see if she might need to buy DIAPERS for us and to see what sort of food that Arun might need.

I need to actually start packing, so I am going to throw out some more Slapdashed Snappage. There is also more on Flickr as well. Be sure to check out the snap of Amy trying to woo my sweet boy away with all her Baby Bling. For sure, he saw that necklace and immediately leaned in for her.

Traitors, the both of ‘em.

Arun and I on the beach at Carmel. Although she claims otherwise, I suspect my mom Photoshopped this one because my initial reaction to a snap of me is normally that of Horror. This didn't offend me. Too much.

Just a nice Kansas Boy wailing because he feet happened to touch The Ocean. My mom SWEARS she didn't Photoshop these. I WANT HER CAMERA......

On the way to San Jose, we passed this town that kept advertising Garlic and Sweet Cherries. We couldn’t remember the name of it, so I kept calling it Garlic Town. We stopped at this store and that’s how we found out about the Garlic Festival, which was one of the highlights of our trip. GARLIC = YUM.

Surrender Dorothy and Average Jane with Yours Truly. This was PRIOR to our hot dates with El Vino Blanco and his smokin' hot brother El Vino Rojo.

DUDE. My kid plays with zucchini. Don’t underestimate the power that is The Squash.....

Seriously - I've got Mother of the Year LOCKED IN.


Anonymous said...

Good luck on your trip!

Cheryl said...

The photos of you and your son in the ocean are gorgeous! Have fun in Boston!

Monkey McWearingChaps said...

Beautiful shots of you and Arun on the ocean. I really like the lighting. Oh and this is horrible of me but Arun's toes look like they're curling in the crying shot and SQUEE that is just so adorable.

Can't wait to see Simian Snaps for my hometown!

Anonymous said...

You are going to Boston and the Red Sox are coming to KC (well, next week anyway). I've only been to Boston once, but I absolutely love it. I'm dying to make another trip out to Fenway someday. Hope you have a great time!

Also, I LOVE those shots of you and Arun on the beach. Your mom did a fabulous job capturing the moment! Plus, it is nice to finally see your face (although I've been seeing it all over Flickr the last couple days).

Rozanne said...

Those are *great* pix. All of them.

The Tonka/zuke photo is a little on the surreal side, but very cool.

Good luck with the Boston trip!

Anonymous said...

I don't know they dont make childrens clothes in black. It seems the darker the fabric the better! Gorgeous picutre of you two at the Ocean! He is such a cute little guy!