March 6, 2008

Can you speak up?

Aunt Peggy's funeral was on Tuesday and I am so v. v. grateful for this blog right now. Not only was it cathartic for me to write about her last week, but that post also gave me a launching point for writing and then giving a tribute at her funeral. I am also appreciative of all of my public speaking experiences. I am totally not afraid to give speeches and have even given a speech in front of over 100 folks. While I cannot claim to be a great orator and most certainly my hands still shake and my voice quavers, I am glad that I am not afraid to give eulogies and that I have been able to give a few family members their dues over the years.

Our babysitter, T, had to take a public speaking course last semester. I was very excited for her and encouraged her all last semester through it because I knew that she would be learning a life skill. I will definitely be pushing my own kids to take as many public speaking classes as possible.

In other news.........................

It is official. Anjali and I are going to BlogHer '08. I hemmed and hawed about the whole thing, but I really, really wanted to go. The part that will be hard for me is that I will have to leave Anjali in the childcare thingie. Sure - we have a babysitter and we leave her at our gym's nursery, but Arun is with her and I am only leaving her for just a few hours. I am nervous about leaving her for 2 whole days with strangers and I am worried that she is going to freak out. And yes, I know that working moms do this all the time. Step off and give this spoiled SAHM a break. I suppose the worse that could happen is that Anjali freaks out and we spend the conference wandering the hallways. I wish I could bring Arun, but at least he is old enough that I can explain I will be coming back and have not abandoned him. Besides, he will be so excited to have X all to himself that he probably will not even notice that Anju and I have vacated the premises.

Anyway - I am really very excited to be going to BlogHer. Can I admit that I am just as excited about planning an excursion to one of my very favorite Pakistani places - Shalimar (the one of Jones st.)?

In related news, it appears that I have somehow managed to haveconned convinced Monkey in a Suit to share a room with us. *Insert evil laugh here* Sucker.


CPA Mom said...

Now? I am really, really bummed I am not going. You are on the top of my "must meet IRL friends."


meno said...

I'm glad you get to go. You will have a BLAST.

Monkey McWearingChaps said...

I'm jazzed to go. You know if she likes me (as in, does not turn tail and start crawling away), you can trust her with me, right? Because babies NOM NOM NOM.

BB asked if he could come to Shalimar with us and I traded him a maybe for clicking on foodiebytes and telling his damn friends about it.

Anonymous said...

That's wonderful. You will have so much fun!

And I totally understand about the childcare freak out/spoiled SAHM thing. Leela was 18 months before I even left her at the gym daycare, and we didn't use a sitter for the first time until the girls were 4 and 2 years old.

(What was I thinking?)

Anonymous said...

Hooray, I finally get to meet Monkey! I'm rooming with Rita, so we'll all have to go out some evening.

Christy said...

I would be a little nervous about leaving my baby too, but I bet she'll have lots of fun. I am excited for you!

Chocolate Covered Susan said...

Good for you! Congratulations on the decision to go - you'll have a blast!

Anonymous said...

I wanna have dinner at Shalimar w/ youse guys!!!

Anonymous said...

whatever you show off. I totally freak out writing a post let alone reading a eulogy...some of just got it...and the rest of us are me.

Dee said...

I absolutely hate public speaking. I'm the type that stands up in front of people, turns bright red, then forgets all my words. I think it's great that you are so comfortable with it.

Once again, I'm jealous of all of you going to BlogHer. I would love to go - at least once - but it doesn't appear to be in the cards.

Me said...

Glad you and Anju are going to BlogHer! It sounds like you girlies will have a good time.

I was sorry to hear about your Aunt Peggy, but am quite impressed with your ability to give a eulogy! I don't think I'd be able to do it. You've got the real cojones, you do.