March 23, 2007

How many?

Got back from the ultrasound........There was only one single solitary kid in there. I can't even begin to express exactly how relieved we were. Whew.

Sooooooo...... um... yeah.... NewKid has plenty of space to practice her moves for the Bend it Like Beckham sequel in her rent-controlled flat all by her lonesome. As I told Arun this morning, "Don't worry babycakes, you're still the Alpha Male, after all." I can't even begin to describe how incredibly excited I am or how blessed I feel that I get to have a son AND a daughter.... Wow....Wow.....Wow.

Sidenote: If you wandered over this way from the Kansas City Star article - welcome! And please. I beg of you. Don't tell my grandma. Thank GOD, only the URL was provided. Faster than you can say "disinherited" my grandma would have been on the phone with her Internet-savvy sister saying "Looky here, Cagey's apparently got herself one of those Internet thingies on the computer!!! Can you check it out for me, print it and send me some copies?? And just this very morning, my grandma was telling me that I needed to be writing down all the cute things that Arun has been doing. Make that a Double Gulp, please.

Anyway, here's some Snappily Snapped Snappage for you...........

I'm Ready

Considering Arun was way overdue for a haircut by 3 months, I best be stocking up NOW. Somebody may do well to warn X that he needs to block this site ASAP. The unbearable cuteness is already threatening to suck me in like a tractor beam.

March Madness

None of the Wise Baby Tomes warn you that you will totally let your kid destroy your living room for a few moments of peace while you snort some lines and settle down to watch some College Basketball.

Helmet Head

Actually, he could use a barrette or two himself.


MLE said...

Woohoo! There's only one in there! She's healthy! And she's a she! Congrats to you and X, Cagey!

Anonymous said...

Everytime I come here, I find myself thinking: Man that is an adorable kid. Why can't they all be that cute?

Good to know there's a beauty on the way. Mr. Handsome is gonna need the competition.

Mamma Sarah said...

Congrats on the very exciting baby news!

Monkey McWearingChaps said...

Squeeeeee! Will write you an appropriately screamy and excited email tonight (which would have landed in your inbox b or g, btw).

What a lovely surprise, truly! Enjoy the rest of the weekend and many congratulations to you, X and Arun.

Anonymous said...

YAY! I cannot wait to pass on some of the girlie things I have. I also cannot imagine what a cutie this one will be.

Have a great weekend!

Min-tea said...

Congratulations! That's so cool.

Anonymous said...

Woo hoo! Congrats on the girl! That's gotta feel fantastic. :) Enjoy the girliness!

Anonymous said...

Yay! Congrats. I'm very happy for you.

Also:yay for the mention in the KCS!

Anonymous said...

Congratulations! We love baby girls around these parts!

Christy said...

I am so excited for you! I know it sounds lame, but it is soooo fun to dress them up. I just got Porgie's Easter dress - its pink and frilly and very adorable.


Celebrate Woo-Woo said...

Yay for one of each!! My friend with an almost-2 year-old daughter just had a boy yesterday...son and daughter just seems so perfect;>

I can't wait for the pics...she's sure to be gorgeous!

Anonymous said...

I am so excited for you on all counts!

meno said...

Congratulations. A girl is a fine thing. Good to have balance in the house.

Anonymous said...

Congratulations! You're living the dream...

Anonymous said...

Congratulations! That's fabulous news! And those hair clippies are adorable!

Leah said...


I can't speak to having a boy, of course, but having a girl is a whole heck of a lot of fun.

Anonymous said...

OMG: That hairclippy site! I see an addiction coming on. Thanks!

Congrats on the girlie-girl (only one!) to complement your (insanely cute in those basket pictures) little man!

A. Nonny Mouse said...

Congratulations on the girl! Woo-hoo! One of each is great, and only one at a time is pretty good, too. :)

Also, I bought those exact same clips for Emily, but her hair is so fine, they just fall out. I have to come up with some other solution.

Congrats, again.

Me said...

I'm so excited for you! Congrats! She'll probably be in the hair clips before the Little Miss, and I will be SO JEALOUS!

Anonymous said...

Congrats! It'll be fun having a girl, too, don't you think? Variety being the spice of life and all...


ami said...

Congrats :)

Those clips are adorable :)

Dee said...

Ah! I can't believe I forgot to check in over here on Friday! Congratulations on the girly news. That is so exciting!

p.s. I must say that I was a little bit bummed to see that they cut your link from my section of the KC Star article, but I'm glad you still got linked anyway.

aibee said...

How did I miss this?!

I found it though, when I went back over your archives to find out exactly when you started referring to NewKid as 'she' and 'her'.

Wow, a boy and a girl. I'm really happy for you.xx