December 3, 2012


This post is dedicated to Pseudodad.  He inspires me in nefarious doings. And possibly to hiring a lawyer someday.

The other day in my "Jolly" post I mentioned that I would be sending out Christmas cards (yes, that same post which appears to be written by an overachieving, pretentious asshole. Someone suspiciously like me.) 

Anyway! I love, love sending out Christmas cards.  I now send out about 60, which puts me into ordering that elusive 3rd box of 25.  Since I have extra cards lying? laying? sitting around, I will be doing a massive card exchange this year with my fellow gori in arms from the Facebook posse to which I belong (the group I lovingly refer to as "Brown Boys and the White Girls Who Love Them".  Because I am classy like that.)

And then, Pseudodad mentions sending cards out to various politicians and since I am a sheep (It is a running theme in my blog and life), inspiration began to guide me and my favorite Sharpie.  Which should frighten my husband (the inspiration.  Not the Sharpie.)

Years ago, I wrote about my feelings on an anti-immigrant law that smacked of racism in my "Raging Arizona" post.  Imagine my dismay when I found out that a fellow Kansan, Kris Kobach, not only helped write Arizona's law, but is also trying to get it here in MY STATE.  Ugh.

So, I thought Kobach might appreciate a bit of holiday cheer from a constituent.

I just like to fake sincerity!  Faking sincerity is my favorite!

I included a handwritten letter on whimsical, Santa-themed stationary to lighten the mood.

The best way to spread Christmas cheer is singing loud for all to hear.

No, Manoj is not particularly amused with my snarky letter.  But hey, I AM a registered Republican and I find it difficult to believe that Mr. Kobach would not want to hear from his constituents on this most auspicious of holidays:
Dear Mr. KobachMy children would like to wish you and yours a Happy Holiday!
Their mother is going to ask Santa for his assurance that your racist policies will not make their way from Arizona to Kansas. The very same policies which seek to disenfranchise hard-working immigrants such as my husband.  
May those policies never see a Kansan sunrise.
Sincerely,Kelli Oliver George
Someone seriously needs to be put on the Naughty List.


Moderndayhermit said...

Hahahaha, that's awesome.

You have beautiful handwriting.

Andrea M. said...

This is fantastic!! :)

Anonymous said...

We had about the same amount of nice in our letter:

Mr. Kobach,

In your fight for family values, I just wanted to remind you what a real family looks like.

Maybe one day, you'll find it in your heart to accept ours.

The Schweda-Stoskopf Family

CPA Mom said...

Not sure which I like better, yours or Pseudodad's. A tie!

Two Shews said...

Kobach is shocked at your audacity! THE AUDACITY!

Olivia said...

I love this! I may be stealing this idea in the future.

Melanie said...

You guys wrote fantastic letters, but since you both seem to be Xmas over achievers which one of you is gonna get my xmas cards ORDERED much less addressed, stamped or mailed! well done

LL said...

I love this so much (pseudodad's too!). I love it so much that even though I read this post on my iPhone at work, I knew I wanted to comment and even remembered that thought the second I opened up my laptop after the kids went to bed. And I very rarely remember what it was I meant to do on the internet once I finally have access to it.

(and your handwriting is beautiful; I am so jealous)