December 19, 2008

Is there anybody out there?

Posting on a Friday before a holiday week is like venturing out into a frozen tundra. But, I was in the mood to write, so here I am (Bonus points to who can name the band who sang the song of today's post title.) Anyway, I shall commence randomy bits of bullets, if you do not mind:

  • Dude. I went overboard on Christmas. *Gulp* And then, Anjali Senior's post made me feel so bad. *DoubleGulp* Santa presents this year: toy kitchen, toy snake, table/chair set, stocking stuffers. I did not mean to go overboard, but the table/chair set presented itself at Costco and solves a problem for us: our current cheapie table set is simply too small for Arun and too unstable for Anjali (she is constantly falling out of the chairs.) Gifts from us: a few books, toy cash register, DVDs (Space Chimps, Stars Wars, Dark Crystal.) Although, I have to admit that the Star Wars and Dark Crystal DVDs are really for me. Yes, I have become That Parent and I am duly ashamed. Flog at will, peoples.
  • Am I the only one who is distressed about the cancellation of Dirty, Sexy Money? It was just getting good and the storyline was starting to fall into place. Where am I going to get my weekly fix of Blair Underwood, Peter Krause and Donald Sutherland all in one place?? Where?
  • Speaking of TV, I am so anxious for Season 13 of the Antiques Roadshow! It is finally coming back Jan.5th. I love that show so much that I have even been watching the re-runs.
  • Our little, sweet 17 month old has morphed into a little, sweet, demanding 17 month old. "No! I HAVE it, please! No! Nurse again, please! No! Mine! Open it, please! Please! PLEASE! No! Help, please!" are statements heard on a daily basis and despite the excessive use of the word "please" which really is a synonym for "now" and, believeyoume, there is no polite way about her tone. Nor the stomping of her feet. Or the falling to the ground in slow-motion. The best part is that Arun will try to discipline her and insists "Anjali, you need to go in time-out and get control of your body!"
  • For the past few months, we have been fighting a variety of infections for both kids which have involved 4 different kinds of anti-biotics and such a variety of cremes, lotions, etc that my head spins at the array. I think we in a downhill mode now. I am SO tired of sneaking Arun's medicine in his drinks. It is tiring.
  • Also? Am tired, overall. I have been pregnant, breastfeeding or both continuously since January 2005. I think my body is beginning a protest and I have really been out of sorts for a few months now. Going to the gym helps, but I think that Anjali weaning would help even more. My body is so out of whack and the hormonal ups and downs with breastfeeding are taking its toll on me. I am hopeful she will be ready to wean in January, when she is 18 months - my Cousin the Lactation Consultant recommended just waiting until then. I cannot understand the Duggar family - 18 kids?? I am tired about birthing TWO. I cannot imagine the wear n' tear on that woman's body.
  • Overall, though things are going well. Our babysitter is coming today and I am going to hole myself up in the basement to wrap presents and assemble things.


Average Jane said...

I overdid it on Christmas shopping a little bit, but our $25 per person limit kept me mostly in check. I pretty much got everyone two things: one from me and one from the hubby.

Unknown said...

I went overboard and I don't care. This is the first year in 5 years we've both been working stable jobs with good incomes. The economy is better than it has been since 2002 in our house.

MLE said...

OfJimBob Duggar only nurses each baby for a month or two so she can get pregnant again. Not that that really answers your question.

Also, your kids will have awesome memories of this christmas. I still remember getting some of the really cool stuff my parents got me thanks to the generosity of grandparents (without their help, my parents would rarely have been able to do much for us for xmas). I think the toys sound really cool and they'll be fun to play with for years, so don't worry so much about it.

Anonymous said...

I've mentioned it to you before, and I'll just say it again... I am SO envious of your Christmas, which is SMALL in comparison to mine. And I don't even have children! So, yeah, in comparison to you, I went way overboard.

I never watched Dirty, Sexy Money, but I have one friend who is very upset that it is going off the air.

Dee said...

I went way overboard on the kids this year. The hardest part is that Zach wants everything he sees and really understands the Santa thing this year. Just when I thought I was done shopping he discovered the Mickey Mouse Clubhouse race track and absolutely insists that Santa is bringing it. I just couldn't bear to disappoint him. Unfortunately that means his sister is kind of getting shafted though. Fortunately she won't remember this Christmas.

Anonymous said...

I was going to make some cute quip about coming over to your house to play, but 'OfJimBob' has me laughing too hard to think straight.

We actually cut back this year, mainly because the last few years were overboard for us, so I think it's mostly in comparison. Max fell in love with a certain toy at a playdate today, and if I didn't hate shopping and crowds so much, I would probably get it for him. Maybe for Valentine's Day...

Monkey McWearingChaps said...

Man, I'm doing Christmas shopping and present sending out this weekend. Is it wrong to just Scamazon everyone rather than being thoughtful? Wait, don't tell me, yes, yes it is.

Anonymous said...

Oh my -- so didn't mean to make you feel bad. Just ignore my fire and brimstone posts. And have a wonderful holiday!

Jenny said...

uh...Laura Branigans Gloria?

Rozanne said...

Pink Floyd, "Comfortably Numb," right?

Goofy Girl said...

Re title question...Def Leppard.

Re going overboard...I'm with you. After deciding to have a 'low-key' Christmas - like 3 gifts each for the kids - they ended up with 10 (ten!) gifts each. Oops.

Anonymous said...

Forgot about the title...I thought Pink Floyd, too.

...Just nod if you can hear there anyone at all.

Anonymous said...

I can't imagine giving birth to eighteen children either! I don't even have ONE yet! :O

Anonymous said...

Rozanne gets the prize, right? That was my guess, too.

I wanted to like Dirty, Sexy Money because of those actors, but always found my mind wandering when I watched it. I didn't bother to watch any this season.

I suspect pregnancy has become such a normal state of being for the Duggar woman it probably feels weird for her not to be gestating. I am amazed her uteris hasn't fallen out yet.

Cheryl said...

Hubs is a big fan of D,SM, but I never got into it. It comes on too late for me. (Am old, leave me alone). My family decided not to do presents this year, which is good, because David decided that we needed to get presents for all of his extended family, even if he couldn't think of what to get them. "Because it's great to give presents..." Yes, I know this but we do not need to find the perfect present for you cousin who you talk to so little that you didn't even know he's getting married in five months! Ugh, sorry, needed to holler about that a little.

Anyways, once kids get in the picture, I can easily see myself going overboard with the presents. I've already gotten stocking stuffers for the *dogs*.

CPA Mom said...

Once again, same as last year, I bought so much for the kids during the year, I had to put some of it BACK in the generic gift box - they have enough, especially with all the guilt gifts from my husband's parents. Which I want to TRASH. But that is another story.