December 5, 2008

Day 5: Is it Christmas yet?

Oops - should been more clearish on my last post. The Imaginext Adventures Castle and the Tonka Bounce Back Racer are, indeed, available for purchase. If and only if, I am willing to pay 2x or even 3x as much for which the toys originally sold. Originally?? The castle went for about $25 and the car went for about $35. I am seeing folks on eBay paying 3x that amount. The castle on Amazon is going for 4x. Um, no way.

The main reason why I wanted to get the castle was that I had found TWO complete sets of Imaginext Pirate adventures at a garage sale for a mere $7. Anju and Arun have so much fun with it that I thought the castle would be a perfect fit. And the car? I just thought it looked fun. That is all. Arun has requested a $5 wooden snake for his Christmas. He has also requested a play kitchen for Anjali since she foolishly requested water.

This is not about making some perfect Christmas for my kids and I am so disgusted at how the prices on these objects have gotten predatory. I refuse to participate in the madness. If they were objects that Arun had actually requested, I would explain to him the situation and give him a choice: Ask for something else, or wait until the stores are restocked.

Because seriously? Do you remember all the toys you got as a kid? I remember a few - my Mickey Mouse doll that walked when you squeezed his hands, my Donny and Marie dolls wearing their purple spangly outfits and a mini-arcade Pacman game (my sister got the Donkey Kong one - oh my, the fun we had!!!) Furthermore, I never, ever even came close to getting the Barbie Town House that I asked for year after year after year. I managed to still grow up into a sort of respectable adult. I think.

Of course, as a kid I loved the toy aspect to Christmas and I was a greedy little burger. I am not going to pretend otherwise. However, that is not what I carried with me into adulthood. I carried the spirit of all, the mystery and excitement of what might appear under the tree. The getting together with family. The lights. The trees. The music.

I suspect that most of you reading this agree.

Yes, I had a Mickey Mouse doll or two. But still, I hate Disney. The lovely MB pointed me to this wonderful article about "What's wrong with Cinderella?" that sorta puts it all in perspective for me and explains why I will be attempting to protect my own daughter from Disney as best I can. Except Pixar. They are always welcome in our home.


Anonymous said...

Wow, from that photo of you, I can really see that Anjali takes after you.

The Christmas presents I remember most from childhood? One of those giant Hershey Kisses (it was all I asked for when I was three and I got it from my dad, who every once in a while gives one to me for Christmas or Valentine's Day) and a box with a little teeny piece of carpet that meant I was finally getting new carpet to replace the totally ugly pink carpet in my bedroom. My memories are full of decorating the tree, running to check stockings (although not what was in them), seeing ALL my relatives, making cookies with my mom, etc.

Cagey (Kelli Oliver George) said...

Stephanie: Just before I hit "publish" I showed the snap to X and he said "wow, Anjali really looks like you!" My family calls her Little Kelli. Poor girl.

Anonymous said...

I got that same Mickey Mouse doll for my third birthday. It's one of my favorite gifts ever.

Unknown said...

OMG, I hate that! I didn't even realize I thought the versions I'd seen for $25 were DIFFERENT than the $100 version. What a load of shit that it's jacked up that much!

I have no clue what we are doing this year for Alex in terms of gifts. He has so much stuff already and I know my Mom is going to go totally overboard. I just want to have some food and chill while hanging out.

Anonymous said...

You know, it's almost like the toy companies are completely oblivious to the fact that no one has any money. I was looking at a doll for Funk, and it was $70. Sorry. She's TWO. And even if we could afford it, no one's bringing home a $70 DOLL.

Good luck with your search!

Anonymous said...

I wanted that Barbie Town House too year after year and I never got it either. Of course, we have a fabulous doll house now. Love ya babe!

Anonymous said...

Good for you! I think people get too carried away with certain "must have toys" I mean does any kid still play with the Tickle Me Elmo? Although, the castle does look pretty cool! I hope you find it after Christmas at the sane, normal price! :-)

I also wanted to say I like reading your blog! I found it on a recommendation from a friend.

Anonymous said...

do you mean to tell me we are suppose to decorate a tree without screaming and yelling at one another to do it right? because girlfriend, that's how it is done in this house......

While I'm here, I"m going to shamelessly beg you to come participate in my christmas give away and to invite your readers to come to...I know, I'm mumbling, I'm embarrassed, but I really want you there......

Mojavi said...

honestly I think not letting your daughter wear pink or watch Disney or dress like a princess is the same as some not letting their boys play with dolls or play pretend kitchen.

What you teach your children goes sooo far beyond pretending to be a princess.

Olivia said...

In theory, I have no problem with the Disney princesses. After all, I loved the movies and turned out pretty independent and a supporter of feminism. What I don't like is how ubiquitous the marketing is now. It's not just a cute kids' movie, it's a lifestyle. Even the toys that could be gender-neutral like a science kit get the princess treatment with plenty of pink and sparkly elements.

I haven't even given birth to my daughter yet, and I'm wondering how we'll navigate this huge gender divide in toys.