January 25, 2010

Gone, but still here.

My father in law died over the weekend.  The situation is really bad and quite shocking. Additionally, it is always difficult to explain how surreal an overseas death is.  I have a flurry of thoughts on this, none of which I can express.  Sure, it is my blog, but it is not my father. This week is crazy as Manoj prepares for his trip to India and I prepare to be a single parent for awhile.

These are the times when I am so grateful to have small children.  Yesterday, we took the kids to a nearby Bass Pro and watched them revel in the simplicity that is fish swimming in water.  Not only do children provide for much-needed distractions, but they help adults keep things in perspective.  We certainly need that right now.

I will not be posting for awhile, but when I come back I will return to pithy, puerile posting.  This will probably be the last time I mention this because this is not my story to tell..

Please, keep us in your thoughts.


CPA Mom said...

I'm so sorry Kelli. Please give my condolences to Manoj and his (and your) extended family as well.

kristen said...

I have noticed that having a small child makes the grieving easier. He keeps me from getting stuck in that sad place and keeps me moving. I'm so sorry for your loss. You are all in my thoughts. I hope for safe travel for Manoj and that you will have what you need to get you through the single parenting time.

Average Jane said...

So sorry to hear that. Tell Manoj I'm thinking of him.

Melanie said...

so sorry to hear that..... will be thinking of you all

Me said...

I'm really sorry to hear that. I'm thinking of you and Manoj. Please shout out if you need any help.

Dee said...

So sorry to hear of your loss. I'll be thinking of all of you and praying for safe travels for Manoj.

Monkey McWearingChaps said...

So sorry. Please give my condolences to Manoj.

~ifer said...

You and your family will be in our prayers. We will be here when you are ready to come back.

Anonymous said...

Kelli, I am so sorry for the this loss. Your family will be in my prayers. Specifically for safety for Manoj as he travels and for peace and comfort that passes understanding for you all.


Bethany said...

My condolences and prayers for safe travel.

LuAnn said...

I'm so very sorry. I truly hope the passing was peaceful. Please tell Manoj I am thinking of him, as I am also thinking of you and Arun and Anjuli. If you need anything at all, don't hesitate to let me know. Happy to be of any help.

zoot said...

Manoj and your family are in my thoughts today. I remember both when my mom was sick in 2002 and when my Dad got sick last year, insisting on having the kids with me when I'd go visit b/c they ARE the distraction many need during those times.

Hang in there.

A. Nonny Mouse said...

I am so sorry for your loss. I will be thinking of you in this hard time. Please let me know if there is anything I can do to help you.

Anonymous said...

You will be in my thoughts. Just makes you want to hug those little ones a little closer. We will be waiting for your return.

Flybunny said...

I am so sorry to hear about Manoj's father. I will send warm and peaceful thought to you and yours.

If you need anything at all while he is away, you have my number so don't hesitate to use it. I know my big girls would gladly come play with team chaos if you need a break!

Marsha said...

I am so sorry to hear it. You will all be in my prayers.

Olivia said...

So sorry to hear of your family's loss. Overseas deaths are really difficult. My MIL died about 9 months after we were married. I never met her in person, only talked on the phone a couple of times.

It was a very difficult time for my husband because he hadn't seen her for over a year. His residency visa was still in flux and that only added to the stress of figuring out a flight back home.

I hope your husband has a safe journey.

jodifur said...

I'm so sorry. And I had not read this when I sent you my email, which you can feel free to ignore. All my thoughts.

meno said...

oh, i'm sorry. Make sure to take good care of yourself and your family at this time.

Thinking of you.

Anjali said...

Oh no! Oh, sweetie, I'm so, so sorry for your loss.

Anonymous said...

Hug the kiddos tight, and here's hoping M. has a safe flight. I'm so sorry.

Greg said...

Hey- Sorry to hear about this. Never easy, never fun, but its part of life and it sucks. We'll be thinking about you. Holler across the state line if we can be of any help. Or Yodel. Whatever works.

Please give a squeeze to Manoj and wish him well for us on a safe trip.

D. Jain said...

I'm so, so sorry to hear this. My condolences to you and Manoj.

It is really hard to deal with an overseas death, and to be the partner left behind in the US too and to feel so helpless. V's dad died suddenly in 2005 and it was terrible.

I hope you guys are coping as well as possible and talking on the phone as much as you can while he is gone. ((Kelli)) ((Manoj))

lorib said...

My prayers to you and your family. I'm very sorry for your loss.

Definitely take comfort in the kiddos. Those little hugs can clear away so much pain.

MLE said...

{{Kelli and family}}

Mamma Sarah said...

Hugs to you and the family! Safe Travels for Manoj!

Rita Arens said...

Oh, man. I'm so sorry to hear it. Godspeed to Manoj and good luck to you. Call me if you need me, please.

alimomof3 said...

I am so sorry to hear about your father in law. I will keep you all in my thoughts.

D. said...

Oh, Kelli, I've been away and just saw this. I'm so sorry for your family's loss. Hugs to you all as you grieve.