December 4, 2008

Day 4: Is it Christmas yet?

Back in my heady days sans progeny, I purchased the most adorable Advent calendar at Costco. It is a wooden Christmas tree and each day, you pull a new ornament out and hang it on the tree. I am now so thankful for what began as an impulse purchase so many years ago. For it is the only thing keeping me from researching Xanax dosages for adults and toddlers.

Speaking of panic. Um, I obsessed over Arun's two "big" gifts for weeks (an Imaginext castle from us and a Tonka Bounce Back Racer from my grandma.) Weeks! Last night, I went out to order them (after not finding them in a brick n' mortar location) and guess what? Go ahead, guess! Yep - "out of stock".


Thankfully, he insists that Santa is going to bring him a "toy snake" and a "kitchen". Anjali has steadfastly put in a request for "water". I think I can handle those.


Anonymous said...

Heh... water. That's awesome. Thing is, she'd probably love it almost as much as any other ridiculously priced toy.

I can imagine many pranks being pulled with that toy snake.

Anonymous said...

Caleb would be elated with a water bottle. There are so many uses. Beat Momma on the head. The lovely sound it makes from being crunched. Walking around with the cap end in your mouth is always good for a laugh.

MLE said...

My mom made an advent calendar before any of us were born (I think while she was pg with me, maybe). She sewed a felt tree onto a piece of nice red fabric and embroidered the numbers 1-24 around the edge of the fabric. She collected cool buttons that could look like ornaments and pinned a button next to each number. Then, when we were old enough, we would take turns pinning a button to the right spot on the tree. I still love the advent calendar even though none of us are at home to use it anymore. Your kids might have great memories from your impulse purchase!

Unknown said...

I wish I could get into the holiday. I'm usually better about it but I think the move has me all out of wack.

Also, are you looking for this Castle?