February 28, 2008

Does this come with leggings, too?

Thank you, thank you again for all of your kind comments. Aunt Peggy passed away last night.

After talking to the nursing home, some family members and the funeral home, it was well past midnight. I feel oddly grownup today - particularly after the funeral home conversation. I was already really tired which was only excaberated by the fact that Anjali has her first tooth trying to burrow its way out of her gums. Poor baby. Who wants to sleep with that kind of stuff happening in one's mouth? So, no - I cannot blame her, but wow. I can see now that I am so spoiled because I am simply not used to sleep deprivation like this. Co-sleeping rocks this house, but even that sometimes does not help a teething baby.

Okay - I promised fun topics, no more doom and gloom.......So, I am going to turn this to a Aunt Peggy Approved Conversation. Fashion. My Aunt Peggy loved fashion and I will never forget how the shoe salesman at Sak's Fifth Avenue would light up when he saw her face. Oh hell, yes. She knew what she was doing in the shoe department.

I need a new swimsuit. Let me preface this by saying that I love, love to swim. My dream would be to have my very own pool. One in which I would not have to be too concerned about Pelt* Maintenance or Chub Rub. Know what I mean? However, we are not a rich people and therefore, I have to subject the general population to my body in all its white, pasty glory every time I go to the pool. For this, I would like to extend my sincere apologies in advance.

Anyway, this is the swimsuit I like:

It is a helluva lot more than I would normally ever be comfortable spending, but I think I can work it out as a birthday gift. I should note that I can use it year round because our gym has indoor and outdoor pools. Furthermore, I am not even going to pretend that this is anything but an Old Lady Swimsuit. I do not care. I have had my bikini days - way, way back in the 20th century (1980s to be exact. ahem) This is a new millennium and I want to feel comfortable going to the pool. I want to feel comfortable knowing that I have not scarred some kid for life after I take the towel off. I want to feel comfortable bending my big butt over as I pluck my children out of the water.

What do you think? Have you seen something better? If you like this one, do you think I should do the top/bottom in the same color? Or different colors?

* © Monkey In A Suit


Christy said...

I like it. I am pretty self conscious too, so I completely understand the need for an "old lady" swim suit.

Anonymous said...

I saw that suit on Bossy's blog yesterday and thought at the time, "I would totally buy that." I don't care how old-ladyish it makes me - I'm just not exposing my thighs anymore in public, even when I'm swimming. The End.

Mamma Sarah said...

It's different and not sure if it's something that I'd personally get. I do like that it's simple and classy all at the same time.

lorib said...

I just purchased a similar suit from Land's End. Their suits are pricey, but they are well made and actually give some support. The skirt is attached on mine and not quite as long and I've found that I end up pulling the skirt part down a lot as I get out of the water, but I still feel less self-conscious having that little bit of extra coverage.

Dee said...

I bought a suit with a skirt last summer and have never felt so comfortable in a swim suit. I love that you can adjust the length on this skirt. I find mine is still sometimes just a bit shorter than I would like. I say go for it!

Kristen said...

I'm so with you on the swimsuit issue. I finally have the boobs for a bikini (with the breastfeeding and all) and my tummy looks like, well we won't go there, not to mention the stretch marks on the thighs! When I first saw that picture I thought it was a cute summer dress. It is definitely not what I think of as "old lady". I think all one color would look more slimming if you care about that.

Monkey McWearingChaps said...

I like the suit...I don't think it's old lady at all. And you really need to move to Massachusetts. My parents have a pool that never gets used.

Anonymous said...

I love the suit. I like that you can get out of the pool and go buy a drink at a concession stand without feeling the need to wrap up in a towel.

CPA Mom said...

I love it! I totally want to get one now...yes it is expensive but their stuff lasts a long time. And you are WORTH IT.

Chub Rub, That cracked.me.up.

Chocolate Covered Susan said...

I love the suit! I bought one from Lands End last year that comes with a skirt and I LOVE it! I think you actually look younger when you're smart about how much you cover up. It is a lot of money, but you'll happily wear it all summer and won't get sick of it.

Rozanne said...

Sorry to hear about your aunt. My condolences.


I have never seen a swimming suit like that before. It's nice. It really looks like a normal summer dress--I'm sure you could wear it places other than just to the pool (trying to help you justify the expense here!)

You know what though? I still wear a bikini, even though I'm a, ahem, woman of early middle years.

aibee said...

Spend the wads of cash and then high five yourself on the purchase of a gorgeous dress that would do Maxwell Smart proud. It's better than having a phone in your shoe! You can't go swimming wearing that particular fashion icon! Nor could you, in a James Bond type scenario involving cocktail parties and floating casinos, escape over the edge and still look fabulous when you're winched from the high seas.

Buy it, that's my highly expertise (and spy orientated) advice. It's really cute and you're not just scoring an adorable swimsuit, you're also purchasing a bucket of confidence :)

Nancy said...

you should try a great plus size website called www.AlwaysForMe.com. They have a similar style to what you show called The Goddess - and here there is truth in advertising. It even got featured in Oprah, so you know its a winner!