January 23, 2008

Loads of questions.
No answers.

I was stunned at the Heath Ledger news. His daughter was born less than 2 weeks after Arun, so he and Michelle Williams were usually on my radar. I was really saddened by the news when they broke up last September because again, with the "kids close in age thing". Obviously, anyone who has a kid near the same age as Ledger's are thinking similar things as I am and I suspect there are loads of 2 year olds getting extra squeezes today.

Besides being stunned by the Heath Ledger news, I am still shocked by this week's episode of the Wire. I wish I could talk about it, but we watch it ahead of time via On Demand, so the episode will not air until this Sunday for everyone else. If you are also an On Demander, Alan Sepinwall has some excellent coverage and stellar commenters each week for us folks watching it ahead of time. Reading his commenters really gives great insights into character motivations. Hands down, Marlo is one of coldest characters to date. He makes Stringer look like a puppy dog.

So.....in other news, I am between books. Well, fiction that is - currently, I am reading the World is Flat - A Brief History of the 21st Century for my nonfiction fix. Oddly, it is falling flat with me, but it is somewhat interesting and has spurred some good conversation with X and I, so I will probably finish it. But fiction? I have had Love in the Time of Cholera lingering on my shelf long before America's National Girlfriend, Oprah, commanded that Ye Shall Go Forth and Read. I am tempted to pick that up. I am also tempted to read A Tree Grows in Brooklyn. It is one of my all-time favorite books EVER - I have read it over and over the years through many stages of my life, but I have not read it since becoming a mother. I would like to read it and report back how it stands up over all this time.

Not much else to report - Anju and I have the colds that X and Arun just recovered from last week. This pisses me off primarily because I am supposed to meet Bethiclaus's new baby on Saturday. If I am not better by tomorrow, I will have to cancel since newborns need extra leeway when it comes to colds. I will be sorely disappointed if I do not get to meet Mimiclaus. Dang it.


Anonymous said...

My vote's for A Tree Grows In Brooklyn. I read it a few months ago (mostly on the toilet, sadly, as I prepared for my colonoscopy) and it was truly different to read since I became a mom.

Mamma Sarah said...

Sounds like the bug is going around(knocking on hardwood as I type). The book choices sound very interesting. :-)

Hope you feel better soon. Espec. so you can go snuggle a little one!

Chocolate Covered Susan said...

I second the vote for a Tree Grows in Brooklyn. I read it just a year or two before becoming a mom. Since becoming a mom I haven't thought about it so much in terms of motherhood. But I do think about her relationship with her father a lot. It reminds me of how much children crave love from their fathers and how grateful I am that my daughter has a wonderful one!

Diana said...

I hear you. I was stunned by Ledger's death. I wasn't a big fan, but I thought him talented and he seemed like a pretty good guy. I loved his first film, "10 Things I Hate About You". I think it's a fun adaptation of "The Taming Of The Shrew". So I'm unexpectedly saddened. It's such a shame, particularly for his daughter.

Moderndayhermit said...

I've had Love in the Time of Cholera on my list of books to read for a while. I must admit that whenever a book is placed on Oprah's list I mentally check it off of my list for some reason. I need to get rid of that habit. I'm not sure WHY I do that.

Anonymous said...

We'll be so sad if you can't come visit, but will of course understand and be thankful for the lack of germies.

Feel better!

Mojavi said...

i have been trying to get into a tree grows in brooklyn.. am I missing something.. I just can't get into it!

Anonymous said...

I must start renting The Wire. Everyone seems to be talking about that show.

BRash said...

Oh, my. A Tree Grows in Brooklyn. Time to revisit THAT one.