October 16, 2009


As much as I have enjoyed the ages of 1, 2 and 3, I cannot even imagine how much cool Year 4 will be.  He is so much fun to hang out with and I love hearing his observations as we navigate our world.  To watch my squawking, hairy little bundle of boy grow and take on all of these life roles is amazing.  He's my son, but he is also a thoughtful brother, a curious student, and an affectionate grandson, cousin and friend. 

My goofy, inquisitive little boy.  All the parenting books prepare you for the Why Questions, they fail to warn you about the How Question........ How do lightbulbs work? How do our bones work? How can a bird fly?

Being this boy's mother is an incredible privilege, an amazing responsibility.  I am humbled thinking of all that lies before me.  But I also am grateful for what I have been dealt.  I wanted a child for so very long and he is simply far more than I could have ever dreamed.

Happy birthday, Arun.

The Many Faces of Arun


kristen said...

Beautiful! What a heartfelt and thoughtful post about your sweet boy. Happy Birthday Arun!

Rayne of terror said...

Four is intellectually challenging. Four is boundary challenging. Four is infinite sweetness. Four is manipulative, but transparent and hilarious. Four is stronger than you think. Four is independent. Four is AWESOME. Four is MAGICAL.

I have really liked four. We only have 3 months of it left.

Average Jane said...

Happy birthday, Arun!

Gori Girl said...

Happy birthday to Arun! (Having a birthday near Diwali - very auspicious! ;-) )

Unknown said...

So adorable... such lovely words from a wonderful momma to her beautiful son.
tammy kimball

Anjali said...

I wish him many years of many grand adventures.

Happiest of birthday wishes, dear Arun.

meno said...

Four??!! Wow. Happy Birthday Arun!

Anonymous said...

what a cutie! Happy Birthday!

stephanie said...

Happy Birthday Arun! Can't wait to hear about the adventures of a four year old!

Christine said...

Happy Birthday!

jodifur said...

happy, happy b-day! What a lovely letter.

aibee said...

Happy Birthday, Arun.

Much love from us to you.


Bethany said...

I'm a little late but Happy Birthday, Arun!

You are going to love four! Four is so much fun.

Amira @ DefineMature.com said...

Awh Happy, Happy Birthday Arun!

Sweet letter and handsome little guy =]

Reading all of these birthday post make me more and more anxious about my son's 1st birthday.

GAH, they grow to fast!!

Marathon Mom said...

He's such a sweetie. Glad he had a great birthday!

LuAnn said...

Happy belated birthday, Arun!

Monkey McWearingChaps said...

Happy Birthday, Arun!

CPA Mom said...

Damn, I'm late. Happy late birthday to the cutest boy I've ever seen (outside my own) ;-) LOVE those eyes!