September 17, 2008

Why is there a light in the refrigerator, but not in the freezer?

I....I... I have been out of sorts lately blogging wise. I am not sure what to write about or rather, I want to write about everything.

I want to write about the meanness on the blogosphere. About how quick folks are to label someone a troll simply because that person disagrees with them even if said troll had a valid point. About how folks are quick to label someone an elitist just because that person has high educational standards.

I want to write about television. About how I fear for the state of my DVR because there are too many shows, not enough time. About how I am tempted to just delete Heroes because they have blown the last two season finales, completely and utterly. About how much I love, love Fringe, thus far. About how much I hate Entourage these days. About how much I am enjoying Mad Men this season. About how much I need, need new episodes of Antiques Roadshow.

I want to write about how frustrated I am with this election. About how if Sarah Palin went to Ireland, then I guess I have been Paris, London, Oman and Qatar, since my plane had layovers there when I went to Pakistan. About how I might as well throw in Afghanistan and Kashmir, since I saw the borders. About how disappointed I am in John McCain, someone I used to have respect for and would have voted for in 2000. About how I am tired of all the lies. About how tired I am of hearing that "small-town" values are superior, in some way. About how I grew up in a "small-town" and I can report they most certainly do not have the monopoly on values. About how I will cry either way on November 4th. About how I fervently hope it is in relief.

I want to write about Wall Street. About how concerned I am for this country's future.

I want to write about how the "rolling my foot on a frozen bottle of water" trick was making a huge difference in my plantar fasciitis issue, but then I stepped on the cold corpse of a Little People which did not help.

I want to write about how last week, an impatient asshole took an illegal left turn right in front of me. About how I thought I was going to puke from the adrenaline rush when I almost T-boned him while doing 45 MPH in the pouring rain. About how grateful I am for my ridiculous, expensive car and its silly safety features, like Vehicle Stability Assist.

I want to write about how obsessed I am with McDonald's Happy Meal toys right now. About how they have the most adorable Madame Alexander series of dolls from the Wizard of Oz. About how Anjali I must have them all. About how I am really not a fan of the movie, but the book is one of my favorites.

But. I cannot really cobble together anything meaningful from any of that. However, at least things are good here.

Really, really good.


LL said...

Love the pictures- the outdoor ones are gorgeous, such beautiful colors (and subjects, obviously).

I would love to hear your thoughts on Wall Street, especially since you know far more about finance and other business related stuff than I do.

Anonymous said...

I think you just about said it all!

Love the pics!

Anonymous said...

Thank you for your comment on elitism and small town values. As someone who lives in the big city (aka DC), I'm fed up of hearing how us city people are immoral, over-educated and lack a value system. Cultural populism sucks.

Anonymous said...

First, Arun looks so grown up and Anjali so damn adorable!

I hear on so many different fronts. I did read the link you tweeted today on the recession or lack thereof but even if no recession there are some very scary events happening in our economy that are going to eventually trickle down and well I just don't want to think about it just yet.

Glad your foot was feeling better.

Jenny said...

you just made my ADD kick in. Oh, yes, let's talk about the economy! No, Palin! Wait, Wizard of Oz at McDonalds? Ohhh, look at the baby...

Unknown said...

Coming from a small town of 900 people I know from first-hand experience that small town values doesn't mean squat. Just because people have a little more time and aren't so hurried does not equal a better center of moral and ethical behavior for damn sure.

The small town life is pretty good if you're white and Christian. Otherwise it can suck pretty damn bad.


Of course, the kids are just too adorable! Those are lovely photos.

Anonymous said...

I'm tired of conservatives touting "small town values" as superior. I grew in a town of 300 (actually, I didn't even live in town. I lived on the corner of a potato field), most people in small towns are great. I now live in a city of 250,000 and most people hear are great. Neither is superior.

My DVR was getting seriously overloaded, but than a random mishap occured and EVERYTHING was wiped out, inluding 4 episodes of Mad Men and Saving Grace. I nearly cried. I'm now on the hunt for reruns.

Anonymous said...

What a great way to get it all in there! I too would love to hear your views on the economy. Though right now I am a little preocuppied with the immediate economy here in Texas. That damned Ike has us out of gas and groceries are iffy. We are stuffed to the gills with evacuees from the coast.

MLE said...

I hear you. I want to blog about many of those things as well but just don't have the energy.

Arun is growing up so fast! He looks like a little boy in these photos, not even close to toddler anymore.

Anonymous said...

This post...summed it up for me....I would only like to add, that I would also like to sleep for more that five hours in a row...but that as well doesn't make a lot of blog fodder...

mommy2twindaughters said...

I think this was a wonderful says it all. I have been getting Happy Meals for my girls for the dolls even though they don't eat the food. I love the beautiful pictures! You are truly blessed with two awesome children!

Anonymous said...

I'm right there with you.

And on a side note...FRINGE...I f'ing love that show!!! I don't have a DVR and I've already told people not to call me on Tuesday nights at all unless it's an emergency that involves fire, flood, or blood.

Rozanne said...

Their feet in that last photo are just adorable!!!!