August 29, 2007

What happens if every team in the NFL goes 8-8?

Ah, football season is upon us. It is only pre-season, but hello! For hardcore football fans, that COUNTS. Thank god for a household with two televisions.

Actually, I don't mind. For some reason, I associate cozy family situations with football on a snowy Sunday afternoon - perhaps, because my own family NEVER watched football? As a singleton, I dreamed of marrying a football fan and spending Sundays reading a book while my husband and kids cheered teams on. And now, I get to do that. Every fall and winter. For the rest of my life.

Be careful of what you wish for, Grasshopper.

The other night, I was half dressed and I heard X call for me. It was a Come Here NOW call. The kind of call that propels you to scurry down the stairs half-naked even through your blinds are not drawn. The kind of call that fills your heart with a teeny bit of terror as you imagine some serious injury or fire. Nope. It was not to be that particular night. It was a MOUSE. Our kitty Pearson had dragged in the sweetest, furriest little thing that wasn't even as big as my thumb. X held Pearson while I scooped up that cute little mouse and deposited him outside. Oh, I wish Arun would have been up - that would have been the highlight of his evening. And yes, that is the sort of house we live in where I am the one to rid it of varmints and the like.

I keep telling you all the tools in the garage are mine, but you will not believe me. Hopefully, my girl will be a knitter but also will be able to operate power tools. And hopefully, also my boy, so all will not be lost. Gender bend that.

I have been resisting a full-on rant for a long, LONG time about this and even now, I'll try to resist because I do not have anything profound to add to this classic argument. I am really weary of the "boys are stinkers, girls are angels" bullshit being bandied about. Friends. Family. Random strangers. Not all boys are mud grubbing, tree climbing little terrors. We get pissed at the stereotyping of our girls and yank Barbies out of their hands, but we do not mind placing labels on our boys. Is Arun a stinker sometimes? Of course. I suspect that Anjali will be, also.

While I am at it, I might as well add this - do not call my son a "naughty boy" or a "bad boy" and then refer to his sister as a "good baby" or a "good girl". His actions may be naughty, but he isn't naughty. I think this may be a generational thing - it seems the older folks are the ones to place an adjective to the person, rather than to the action. And no, this is not New Age hocus pocus. I firmly believe if you consistently call someone Naughty or Bad, they will begin to believe it.


More Simian Snaps - Two For the Price of One!

Pink is my signature color
One of my favorite lines from one of my favorite movies.


X is totally and completely responsible for this new trick. Grrr...

The hair is REALLY curly the day I wash it, then gets flat the next. Channeling Don Ameche be damned. Me LOVES her hair. Squee!!

And he does it on command. SCORE.

He looks like a streaker.
Except in diapers.


Carrie said...

I so love the pictures! Keep them coming....I want to know what is in store for me when it's my turn to make a bean!

Mamma Sarah said...

Great pics. Sounds like X needs a time out for the latest trick he's taught Arun. I keep telling my hubby that and he just laughs, then Alex laughs at me too. :-(

CPA Mom said...

I'm starting to live for pictures of your kids. I need a life. But they are so DARNED CUTE!

Anonymous said...

"I think this may be a generational thing - it seems the older folks are the ones to place an adjective to the person, rather than to the action. And no, this is not New Age hocus pocus. I firmly believe if you consistently call someone Naughty or Bad, they will begin to believe it."

there you go being a better parent again...after I'm done being annoyed with you I'm off to focus on that as well....but I agree it does seem that other seems to need an adjective....

the worst one though is everyone keep telling me that my younger son is 'as pretty as a girl"....what does that mean?

Anonymous said...

Love the pictures! They definitely look like siblings! So beautiful.

Christy said...

Porgie and Anjali have a matching warobe. Porgie owns both of the outfits Anjali is sporting in her pictures!

Arun is looking awfully cute lately. Being a big brother must really agree with him.

Mojavi said...

Kya's hair does the exact same thing! hmmmm....

anyway, one of my fav times is football on tv during thanksgiving :)

Diana said...

Adorable and more adorable! (Sara thinks Anjali is a very nice girl and very cute but Arun is being 'naughty'.)

I am so with you on calling the action and not the child 'bad' or 'naughty'. It does seem to make a difference. Both mine describe themselves (and each other, heh) as 'acting naughty' rather than that they 'are naughty'.

Jenn said...

I think Mice are so cute too......however I just don't think I'd be the one to be scooping him up....

and forget other BUGS! EEEEK

p.s. adorable pictures as always!

Monkey McWearingChaps said...

The hoodie in the last shot is awesome. Is it wrong that I sort of want one to wear with jeans?

Kelly said...

TP let Mr. Cheeks crawl on his kid table, and it took me MONTHS to make him stop doing it. Way to go Dad! Also, I could eat that baby up. Cute!