June 19, 2012

So, Branson. That Happened.

God, how irritating it is when bloggers come back from their Fancy Pants Vacations and then spend the next goddamned week subjecting you to the titillating footage depicting their glamorous life while you sit in your yoga pants downing stale coffee and toast made with  storebrand bread?  Even worse?  When that vacationing fool of a blogger has the audacity to live in the Midwest (YAWN) and only goes to such places as fucking Branson, Missouri (and potentially, Pratt....Salina....Hays....Omaha.....  See a trend here, Gentle Reader??)

So, Branson.  That actually happened.

Nearly every year, the Oliver Clan weaves its way through the state highways of southern Missouri in our annual quest toward Good Old-Fashioned Family Fun.  And usually?  We succeed.  We keep our trip simple - we stay just a few days and we focus on Silver Dollar City.  For those of you just joining the program, Silver Dollar City is an amusement theme park where the theme is essentially "hillbilly".    A place where my dad takes a deep breath and says "Ahhh...."  Quite simply, Silver Dollar City is one of his favorite spots on earth.  As I always say..... YOUR dad may like to vacation in the South of France but MY dad loves the South of Missouri.

Whatever, I probably hate you and your Fancy Pants bread anyway.

All week before the trip, Anjali was very anxious about the barbecue lunch.  Her wish was granted.

The old-fashioned candy store is an Official Team Chaos Approved Activity.

A boy and his journal.

Besides Silver Dollar City, I take Team Chaos to the Butterfly Palace every year.  This year we spent time at the Night Exhibit, then went back the next day for the Day Exhibit.  When it was all said and done (and paid for!) we spent well over five hours at the Butterfly Palace.  FIVE. 

Towards the end of our second visit, I was answering general questions and pointing people toward the restrooms.  At least during this visit, Arun didn't kill any butterflies (2009 was not our proudest moment at the Butterfly Palace, ahem.) although he did manage to break an electronic harp during the Night Exhibit.  Fortunately, Jewel the Mute Fairy was understanding as I hurriedly rushed my destructive progeny out the door posthaste.

The next morning when we went back for the day exhibit, Jewel the Mute Fairy was magically transformed back into a talking human.  To her credit, Jewel pretended not to know my kids, but did whisper to me that all was kosher with the harp.  Thanks, Jewel!

The Mirror Maze! Which we did three times.  THREE.  Because we were there for five hours.  FIVE.

The obligatory snap of the Face Behind the Magnifying Lens.  'Tis a Butterfly Palace tradition.



CPA Mom said...

I think I have been to Silver Dollar City as a child but I can't remember. My parents honeymooned there back in 1969!

Average Jane said...

When I was a kid, we went to Silver Dollar City many, many times. The song from the flooded mine ride is permanently burned into my synapses. I keep meaning to go back for nostalgia's sake.

Love that last pic! What a gorgeous butterfly. It doesn't even look real.

~ifer said...

#1 Silver Dollar City is the best place on earth, especially the "Fire in the Hole" ride. We used to vacation there as a kid too (grandparents live in northeast Arkansas). I also loved going into all the old-timey shops.
#2 Your daughter's expression in that last picture is EXACTLY how I would feel were I to be in that position. A bit of wonder mixed in with a ton of not-sure-I-want-this-on-me.