September 25, 2007

Why do you have to go all the way to the back of the pharmacy to get your medicine, yet they sell cigarettes at the front?

So, we went to Arun's nursery school yesterday - we are visiting at the normal times he will be going next week although we are only staying for 15 minutes. This is supposed to prepare him me for the Actual Leaving Him There. I believe I am supposed to bemoan the fact that my baby is growing up? That I am afraid of leaving him? That I will be sad? Sure, I will miss him, but since we have no plans for homeschooling, it was destined that I would have to send him to school eventually. Besides, from the way he screamed "No!" and started crying when I told him we had to leave, it was obvious we made the right decision to start nursery school this year. He will only be going for two mornings, so it is not that bad. Still. The thought that he may cry for me and I will not be there makes my heart crack a little. However, it does make me feel a little June Cleaverish to be packing him a lunch already. I have pearls, but am lacking a petticoat, unfortunately. Speaking of lunch packing, we did jump on the Bento Bandwagon - how could a Type A, former professional such as me resist an adorable "laptop" lunch box like this?

So, in other news, X is in Boston working on the Big Idea this week and it is a testament that my mental health has returned since I am doing just fine with both of the kids by myself. I do not think my legs will get shaved this week, but I have managed to get my showers in at least. Anyway, the Big Idea is going really, really well. I am hesitant to talk about it much for fear of jinxing it, but a really awesome beta is running now and the alpha is around the corner. To boot, they went with the name that Yours Truly created. I had lobbied hard for that name in the spring, but they went with another, then came back around to my name. When the alpha is up and running, I will be sure to post the URL here. Unfortunately, for now, it is only useful to those folks who live in DC, San Francisco, Chicago, New York and Boston, but it is still fun to play with.

A gentle reminder, Gentle Reader - I always feel compelled to point this out, but Throwing Things has some of the best TV commentary out there - meaning, the COMMENTERS, not just the pros are out there discussing a variety of shows such as Heroes, How I Met Your Mother and Chuck. There is a great, respectful, friendly core of commenters. I have never seen flame wars or nastiness for differing opinions there and I have been reading for nearly 5 years - way back when Adam was flying solo. Check them out and feel free to add to the conversation.


Mamma Sarah said...

Well at least he likes it and didn't want to go home. Do you have pointers for us novices about how you went about picking your school? Just curious.

Monkey McWearingChaps said...

I watched Chuck last night but remain uncommitted. Right now I am definitely making time for Heroes (although in 2 weeks I'll have a DVR since my dad is coming and promises to set it up for me) and Bionic Woman. I'll give your suggestions a shot, though.

Mamma Sarah said...

I too watched Chuck and will maybe follow up, but we'll see. Heroes definately!

By the way, I had to laugh at your title (don't know why I just now read it and digested it). My hubby and I have talked about this on several occasions since he works at a Pharm/Retailer. Just doesn't make any sense...

Carrie said...

What about Atlanta? doesn't alpha need a southern market?!? tee hee!

I loved me some chuck!

Anonymous said...

Oh, I am in LOVE with my bento boxes. Both girls have them.

Best of luck with nursery school!

CPA Mom said...

Awesome lunch box! It's when I pack my 4 year old's lunch each day that I realize he is no longer my baby. WAAAHH!

I'm clueless on the Big Idea. wa?

I watched Chuck on your recommendation. It was amusing. Not enough to watch it again. It's only fair to point out that I normally do not watch TV at all though. I just needed something to look out while chopping up 18 apples!

Leah said...

Yay, I'm stoked that I'm in Chicago and will therefore be able to check out the Big Mystery Idea!

Did I tell you that my scanner is broken and that is why I suck at getting that article to you? I'm so sorry!