Let me.......
the ways.
I don't brag about X that much - or at least I don't think I do. As much as I love being Arun's Parent, I particularly appreciate being Arun's Parent with X. Parenting is such a tough job, I can't imagine doing it Alone or with the Wrong Person. And for sure, becoming parents has made our marriage stronger - at least for us, having a kid tightened up any Excuse Loopholes thus making an Exit Strategy nearly impossible now.
It's no big deal for X is say "Hey, we're going to the park (or Kinko's or the grocery store or for a walk or for coffee). Do you want to go?". It's nice to have a husband is so comfortable with our kid and I am still surprised and saddened at how many guys there are out there who aren't comfortable taking their kids places. My only complaint about X is that he is an Early Bird, so when I am out and about with my friends, I turn into a total pumpkin at Midnight. Regardless, it's nice to have some Free Time at home ALONE when X takes Arun out. When Cousin J comes to babysit, it's always best if I get the hell out of the house. Object Permanence has rode into town and thus, if I stick around, Arun is well aware that I am still THERE lurking about and not with him. Sometimes, I miss having the house all to my own little lonesome self.
So last night, X asked if I wanted to head out with them and I said "No, go ahead". The minute the door closed, I grabbed a glass of wine and my latest issue of Royalty magazine (just like US Weekly, only with a better gene pool.) Then, I headed upstairs to run a bath. Bliss. Although, I'll admit that when they came back and Arun scampered up to the tub to splash in the water, that was pretty damned awesome as well.
Yes, I have to remind myself of My Luck after picking up socks and clothes for the millionth time.
Yes, sometimes I am torn being Staying and Going. Last night was a no-brainer because I needed to shave my legs anyway. LOL
Ha. Who are you trying to kid. I see the baby toy peeking out at the bottom of the first photo. You just like when they go out so you can play with the toys. The bath and wine are so obviously a ruse.
Guilty as charged......
Royalty magazine. That must be extremely entertaining. I don't know, though, if it's accurate to say that the gene pool is "better." They all look kinda inbred to me.
I'm jealose on so many levles here. I do have the husband who is comfy with the kid, so there is that. But oh to have that tub, I looooong for that tub. I would give ANYTHING (save Allie and hubby) for that tub!
and time in the house alone? SIGH
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