April 11, 2012

Quiet Moments

Nothing substantial has happened lately.  And I am perfectly fine with that.  Since I am my own Audience of One and I write this blog for my own little narcissistic self, I thought I would start sharing more of the boring moments of my little, boring life stuck here in the soul-sucking suburban prairie.

No worries, I am grateful for the boredom.

The View From My Chair
This was my great-grandmother's.  I have it sitting on the baby grand piano that was also hers.  The details on this figurine are exquisite, she is simply beautiful.

Yes, that would be a cat AND a dog on my lap.  Simulataneously.

Man, I love this dog.  But do not be fooled, Gentle Reader. DireWestie will rip your ankles out.

Morning Glory

This morning, I loved how peaceful our table looked.  Actually, I am not such a fan of this table because the chairs are uncomfortable.  However, I appreciate the setting in the corner with the morning light streaming in.  I enjoy eating meals and snacks at this table with Team Chaos and some of our best conversations have happened at this table.

Memories Playing Memory
Someone does not like being a loser.  DOES NOT LIKE.

Flower Children

I didn't make a wish.

Didn't really need to.

1 comment:

Mamma Sarah said...

As hard as it is at times, quiet moments like this are so important to us mothers. It helps to put things into perspective and recharge. :-)