July 23, 2007

Is it really over?

I'm still a little stunned that the Harry Potter series is over. That's all I will say about it, for fear of saying something that will make someone think I've spoiled them - if you've also finished it, feel free to email me, but please don't say anything in the comments that might be considered spoilers. I had a difficult time enough of it as it was this morning at Anju's doctor's appointment. My doctor kept discussing the book at the parts she was up to, and it was all I could do to keep an impassive face so that I didn't give anything away.

So, on Friday morning, Mojavi went to Borders bright n' early at 8am to stand in line for our wristband/ticket thingies. Thanks to her, we got in the first color group - orange. That evening I dressed up in my Professor McGonagall costume, but X made me take off the hat as I went to the car so the neighbors wouldn't see me. I arrived at Borders at 10:30, carefully packed Anju in the Baby Bjorn, entered the madhouse at Borders and promptly ran into one of our neighbors.
We ended up being in the first 25 or so folks to get our books, so I was at my car by 12:15am. The rest of the weekend, I chained Arun to the coffee table and threw him scraps of raw meat while keeping the TV on full blast so I couldn't hear his screams of boredom. I kept Anjali glued to one boob and read with one hand - all 2 lb, 15 oz of it which killed my wrists and I lived in fear of dropping it on Anjali's soft, soft head. Yeah, I have a mild case of carpal tunnel and CPS should probably be called for a serious case of neglect, but hey - I finished the book and that's what was really important, no?

In other news...............speaking of Anjali's doctor's appointment - she weighs 8 lbs, 9 oz! The goal was to gain back to her birth weight by 2 weeks - she did that and more, so I was glad. I wasn't surprised, she's a good nurser. We have a good routine now - she nurses throughout the day and then I top her tank off at 11pm before I go to bed. She gets up around 3:30am for a feeding and then doesn't get up again until about 7:00am. I have NO COMPLAINTS. I can live with that kind of schedule.

Okay - both kids have clean diapers and are fast asleep. I'd best use this time to get some things done.


A. Nonny Mouse said...

I was totally doing the same thing this afternoon: reading HP, while nursing and trying desperately not to drop the book on Lucy. It gets heavy! Things got a little easier for me when I moved out to the living room and was using my Boppy to nurse.

And, also, I am seriously jealous of your nursing schedule. Lucy goes about 3 hours between feedings at night and then eats for about 30 minutes. I think she's figured out the whole night-day thing, so that's nice, but I would love to get more than 2.5 hours of sleep at a time. We'll be starting to supplement with a bottle Wednesday, I think. Mike can give that to Lucy while I go to bed and get some much needed uninterrupted sleep.

Onlythetruth said...

Boppy saved me while reading and nursing this weekend. I dropped my book on my toe and holy crap it hurt, in fact I think I still have a dent in it. I have to be careful with hubby because he is only about half way through it so we have agreed to just not talk about it so I don't blow anything.

Anajali is gaining like Tyler - T gained 2lbs in about 3 weeks, she finally has some fat on her and I love it.


Christy said...

Wow! You're baby girl sleeps better than my toddler.

Yank In Texas said...

So I have no baby and all but I finished HP and have posted on my blog if you have need to discuss. (I come to your blog by way of MLE mostly.)
And that nursing schedule does sound wonderful.
Books over babies? Hmmm, that's fine line there. Tough decision...

meno said...

Good news on the baby weight. As my doctor told me when my baby gained weight at first instead of losing "You must be dispensing cream."

CPA Mom said...

that made me laugh outloud. I "neglected" my kids too until I finished up the book. Wowsa. What a book.

I tried to leave a comment yesterday on your thank you note post but Blogger hates me. I think.

Anyway, I got your thank you note. You really get it and have such a knack for good notes too. I too, believe in written thank yous. Emails and calls just don't do it for me if someone has taken the time to get you a gift.

Diana said...

I'm done, too. Charles hasn't read it. (I'm making him listen to the books on CD when we ride in to work together, but it takes about 6 months to get through a book.) I've resorted to discussing it via email, too. I'll get ahold of you unless you get to me first...

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the guilt trip, you big showoff. You actually remembered to throw raw meat at your child? No wonder mine were so cranky Monday morning. No matter -- the book rocks.