July 28, 2005

Are you a flosser?

Okay, let’s just say that my opinion of the Nebraska Furniture Mart has risen considerably since my experience there yesterday. They had an excellent selection of good, hardwood furniture at very reasonable prices. Still darn expensive, but I feel safe saying that X and I will be using our purchase for many years to come - unlike the creppy dresser I bought 3 years ago. I suspect THAT dresser won’t even make it to the next house we purchase. Here’s an odd observation - let me start by saying that I am an Antique Roadshow NUT - one of the very things I love about my DVR is that there is nearly always an episode of AR queued up for me. So, as the sales guy was taking the drawers out to show me the various constructions - I realized all those hours of vegging on the couch watching the Keno brothers had PAID OFF. I knew what the sales guy was talking about! I certainly based part of my purchase on the construction of the piece and not solely on the looks. Furthermore, since I had toured 2 other furniture stores the day prior, I walked out of the Nebraska Furn. Mart very satisfied and secure in the knowledge that I had made the right decisions. Don’t you HATE that feeling of making a big purchase but are unsure you did the right thing? I felt that way after we bought our mongo plasma TV a month back - we had researched the TV, but got sucked into buying the surround sound and all his little buddies - items we had NOT researched. I walked out of the place with a sinking stomach. It ended up working out GREAT but I was a little sick about the whole thing until it was all set up. It is hard for me to spend huge sums of money at once - it generally makes me queasy. Sure, I can fritter away money here and there all day long (just ask Amazon.com), but to spend it one big shot makes me nervous. Anyway, furniture purchasing is DONE. I don’t think we will need much of anything else for a long, long time - maybe some children’s furniture down the road, but the adult side of things is finished. Actually, it is a good feeling to know that there are no Big Purchase Desires swimming in the back of my head - our cars are paid off, we have The MongoTV now, all the furniture we need, and a great house. Stick a fork in me.

So, I met the Really Tepid Gal for lunch yesterday - it WAS really nice to see her. For one, she is a 6 Feet Under fan, so we HAD to dish about Sunday’s episode - I am STILL in shock over that one. (Rancid Tangent: If you are a fan, here’s a question for you? Do you think Nathan is really dead??). Oddly enough, the other reason it was really nice to see her is that it made me love my husband even more. You see, X was the one who really urged me to go ahead and quit early. If it wasn’t for him pushing, I would have worked to the end out of guilt - to make as much money as possible. So, after a lunch with Really Tepid Gal, hearing how Big Al hasn’t changed a bit in a month and has actually gotten worse, I now love my husband even more. Interesting, eh?

I am off to the Dentist - I GOT IN! They had a cancellation and I was able to take the spot. I am very glad. My dentist, while a bit too popular obviously, is a great guy. You hear his story and your heart goes all squishy - his wife left him years, years ago with 4 small children and he raised them alone. His son is now in practice with him, all this children are happy, successful blah, blah - seriously, you hear the story and you melt because he is such a great guy and it's nice to hear a sad story with a happy ending. Ah, the joys of living in a suburb that actually used to just be a small town. What will I do when my grandma is no longer here to give me everyone’s backstory?

Anyway, I must find some floss or string or something and hide the fact that I am an Evil Non-Flosser.

Does anyone really floss on a daily basis??? Seriously - 'fess up!

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